The Bhagavad Gita and Me

World civilization comic talking about my dharma.

At times, I feel like Arjuna because I don’t want to lift at times just like Arjuna didn’t want to fight in the war. However, it is my duty for my team to go to liftings just like it was his duty to fight.  This also goes against my personal code though because I want to do nothing for about an hour once I get home just like fighting for Arjuna went against his personal code of Hinduism.

I could apply the Bhagavad Gita in the case of the comic as I had to go against my wishes to do my duty but ultimately felt better doing it. This is an analogy for doing things in life to enjoy a better life after death.

The current American view of this concept has the person do the action he doesn’t enjoy to gain something that he receives while he is still alive. In ancient India, they would do a task they wouldn’t like to receive something afterlife.

The Bhagavad Gita can be used as a tool for oppression by assigning certain groups of people undesired jobs that correlate to low stations of life. They also assign other groups of people to leadership roles to rule over the lower groups of people. This can lead to a system of a strict caste system.

Feng Shui

I decided to Feng Shui a storage closet underneath the stairs that contains my RC plane and camping gear. The first obvious change I had to make was to allow Chi to flow through the room. I did this by putting everything neatly against the walls or in the back so Chi could flow through the room. My cat also has to be able to get to her litter box through this area so Chi really has two places it can flow through.  I also made sure some of the five elements were included in the space. One way I did this was through my plane’s tail which is red and triangular which represents passion and emotion. Another example is with my model airplane tool box which is yellow and square which represents grounding and stability. The other component I had to incorporate was the Bagua. The Bagua is a chart that can help you located items in your house that represent the five elements. In this closet, for example, I have an object to represent well-being and balance through my tool kit and an object that represents fame and future reputation through my plane’s tail.


I really enjoy the new look of the closet! Not only is it ascetically appealing, it became much more functional. This was long overdue and I’m glad I finally got the motivation to clean it. Now it should be easy to find the objects I need for my various trip, whether it be a trip to the field to fly my planes or a camping trip!


The Taoist Walk

The Taoist walk was an interesting experience for me. During the walk, my most powerful sensation was my sense of hearing. I felt I could hear more of my environment than I could on a normal walk. I had been on this path before but the path seemed different because I was running the last time I was on the path. Unfortunately, because of my cold, I couldn’t smell much of anything.  During the walk, I thought about how the view is going to change dramatically soon due to the season of autumn approaching. I felt calm during the walk because I was only focused on my senses and all other thoughts were flushed out of my brain. Finally, this experience can be related to Taoism because I was in sync with nature and consciously aware of my surroundings with nature as I walked.

Wildflowers growing around a birdhouse on the Taoist walk I took.


Growth in 1181

In 1181 (world civilization), I expect to learn more about the world outside of the world powers like the United States and European Countries. My hope is to learn what their culture consists of and see how these countries actually helped the world powers come to be what they are today.

In doing so, I hope to become less ignorant about the world around me. The United States excels in keeping foreign cultures and traditions outside of their borders. Hopefully, this class will help me become aware of some of their ideas.


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